
Top 12 Essential Tips For Blogging Success

Are you a passionate blogger seeded with a lot of ideas and creativity? Do you have any problem in driving the traffic to your blog? If yes, then you are in the right place to get all the tips required for successful blogging. Blogging is great to share all the information you have. Everybody can be a writer but not everyone can connect with the reader. It just means that Blogging is easy but it is very difficult to write a perfect blog.

In fact, blogging has made lives easy because the information you need is right in front you with just a single search. But, in order to present the exact info that your reader wants, you need to get to know your reader first. There’s actually no right or wrong way for blogging, all it takes is an idea, time, and creativity.

So, next time you create a blog post, don’t forget to check out these essential tips and implement them while blogging. Everybody is a learner but there are few who can really implement, proper execution is the key.

Here are the Top 12 Essential tips for perfect blogging,

1. Meta Description

A meta description is an HTML code, which is a brief summary of your web page. It is very important to create a meta description that drags your reader to click on the link.


A perfect meta description increases the click rate of your blog. The length of the meta description was more than 300 words in 2017. In 2018-2019, the length of the meta description is compressed to 120-158 characters. The length of the meta description may change at any time. The important thing is to provide valuable content.

2. Introduction

An introduction is like the brief summary of your topic. Write a top-notch introduction that your reader feels fascinated to read the whole content. You can include statements and thoughts about your topic and you can also include what, when, who, and how. As the introduction is the first thing that your reader goes through, make sure to write a beautiful and eye-opening intro.


3. Selecting a Niche

A Niche is selecting a specific topic that you want to write for your blog.

Selecting a niche is the very first thing you need to do before you write. You need to select a specialized group to who you want to write, say it a social media marketing, facebook marketing. Be specific to whom you are producing the content to.

After selecting the niche, what’s the next thing to do?

Will, you directly write or do a Research?

Yes, the next tip for successful blogging is to research.

4. Research

Research is required in order to provide that full-fledged information for your reader. Research as if you are an expert, then share all the info that you have mastered. Provide the complete info so that your reader no longer needs to search for anything on other websites.

So, make sure to provide the complete, researched, authentic content. Authenticity in your content can help you build a bond between you and your reader.

5. Title

Always write an eye-catching content that drags your reader. The title should be in such a way that your reader has to click on your link in a fraction of seconds.

While writing a title, You can use a hashtag of something. Use how-to, how, why, breaking news, and you can also start the title with secret i.e., providing a content that your user is eager to know.

Your title has a huge impact on the blog traffic. So choose to write the catchy title.

6. SEO

Here comes the main lead of the blogging. SEO will help you to maintain your visibility on Google. With the SEO you can increase the number of visitors and the click-through rates. So, in 2019 SEO is still and will always be the king of the content.

Google always updates the algorithms and the methods of SEO with very slight changes for every now and then. You need to keep up with the methods of SEO in order to maintain the ranking of your blog.

7. Keyword Research

A keyword is an expression of a topic that your user is searching for in the google. For targeting your blog, you can pick a keyword that you want to use, place it in the title, subheading or in the description of the post. You can use a keyword planner by google adwords to see what people really need. Use a keyword that has monthly users. Google assembles the keyword into bold in order to provide the related articles for users.

Be cautious while placing the keyword in your content. Place the keyword in a required statement or a sentence but do not stuff your content with a keyword because the user might lose interest in reading.

8. Be Exclusive

How do you feel when you have a unique style of dress or ornament that nobody has? I am sure everyone must be gazing at you when you wear that. That’s exactly the same way your content in the blog should be.

It should be unique and exclusive. Patience is the key to produce such type of content. Your freshness in the post effects the frequency i.e, the fresher it is, the more readers visit your blog.

9.Consistent Blogging

How often do you post content in your blog?

Once a week, once a month or whenever you feel like writing?

Consistent blogging is necessary to maintain regular readers. Post a blog at least once a week. In fact, the search engine uses more resources of the sites that publish more often.

In case if you run out of ideas, Repurpose ( using an idea in more than one way) and Research your ideas.

10. Include Images and Videos

Images, videos, and podcasts make a blog post even more interesting and user-friendly. Keep an eye on the length of the video, it should not be more than 5 minutes. Include the image snippets regarding the topic, for a complete understanding of the topic.

11. Blog Traffic

You need to monetize the blog to maintain the traffic. To monetize the blog, you need to produce high-quality content. The blog traffic increases depending on the overall elements of your blog like the title of the blog, keywords, quality and the quantity of the blog.

Imposing a question at the end of your post is another way to drive traffic. When you impose a question, it makes your reader come back and search for the answer either in the comment section or your next post.


CTA (call to action) is persuading your users to take a particular action. Use Social media buttons motivating your readers to share the content on social media. And you can also include numbers, images, graphics, downloadable podcasts, and specific actions indicating your users to implement immediately.

Final Thoughts:

Make an impactful conclusion of your whole article and provide the next steps for your user i.e, asking them to download the podcasts provided or watching a video.

Here’s a bonus tip for you. Use hyperlinks in your post to link related articles through a word by highlighting the word. This is an easy way for the user to check out the highlighted word. You can add your social media links and your channel links. Hyperlinks increase the page views and improve SEO.

These are some of the essential blog tips. Never let go your ideas. To put your ideas in a track, create a spreadsheet, and list out all the ideas and notes. This could be an easy way of being a successful and consistent blogger.





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